RDCDS Leeds Branch
THE LILY IN THE VALLEY (S96) Iain Boyd 4 couple longwise set, 2s and 4s on opposite sides

Figure 1
1 - 8      All set, cross RH; repeat
9-16      1s & 2s, 3s & 4s, ˝ RH across, all cast left, ˝ circle left; RH across
17 - 24      2s & 1s, 4s & 3s set & link; 1s & 2s, 3s & 4s set & link
25-28      2s & 1s, 4s & 3s ˝ circle left, men turn woman on right BH
29-32      All circle left. Finish 4 3 2 1, 3s & 1s on opposite sides
Figure 2
1-8      All set, cross RH; 4m & 3w, 4w & 3m, 2m & 1w, 2w & 1m face on sides and turn LH 1˝
9-16      3s & 4s, 1s & 2s ladies’ chain
17 - 24      Reel of 4 on the sides
25 - 32      1m & 2w, 3m &4w, 2m & 1w, 4m & 3w circular allemande to ˝ way round set, change places RH with ‘allemande partner’. Finish 1 2 3 4, 1s & 3s on opposite sides
Figure 3
1-4      1w & 2m, 3m & 4w, RH across
5-8      1w & 2m, 3m & 4w dance across set between partners, cast to right to vacant places, w on m’s left
9-16      Top 2 couples and bottom 2 couples R & L
17 - 24      1m & 2w, 3w & 4m repeat bars 1-8 but LH across and cast left
25 - 32      4s & 3s, 2s & 1s ˝ R & L; turn ptnr RH 1˝. Finish 4 3 2 1, 4s & 2s on opposite sides.

Based on MINICRIB by Charles Upton. 

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