RDCDS Leeds Branch
AGNES & BOBBY CROWE (S96) Sq.Set    R Goldring Crowe's Nest Set
1- 8      All Ladies dance fig of 8 passing in front of corner & behind opposite man
9-16     All dance Ladies Chain with Ladies dancing 1/2 RH across in centre, all end facing corners
17-24    All dance a reel all round the set giving RSh to corners to start (ie Grand Chain without hands)
25-32    All set to corners & turn BH, repeat with partner
33-40    1s+3s set, cross RH, dance out & cast to right (L leading), into centre (L dancing round side couple but M thru side couple) & turn to face side cple
41-48    All dance 6 bar reels of 4 across & 1s & 3s end dancing out to opposite places
49-64    2s+4s repeat bars 33-48
65-72    All Men dance fig of 8 passing in front of corner & behind opposite Lady
73-80    All dance Mens Chain with Men giving LH in centre
81-88    All set, 3/4 turn RH into promenade hold & Promenade 1/2 way round
89-96     All circle 8H round & back

Based on MINICRIB by Charles Upton. 

©2005 RSCDS Leeds Branch This website created and maintained by Ashton Jones. Please direct all comments and suggestions to