RDCDS Leeds Branch
THE SILVER TARGE 80 bar Strathspey Devised by Doris Buchanan, RSCDS Leicester Branch. RSCDS Leicester The Silver Collection, 2002.
1 – 4      All set to partners and with right hands turn three quarters round to finish with the women inside the set ready to give left hands across, the men on the outside of the set facing clockwise.
5 - 8       Women dance left hands across once round to finish in partner’s original place while men dance half way round the set clockwise to finish in opposite woman’s place.
9 - 12       All set to opposite ‘partner’ and with right hands turn three quarters round to finish with men inside the set ready to give left hands across, the women on the outside of the set facing clockwise.
13 - 16       Men dance left hands across once round to finish back to back in the centre of the set with a polite turn to face partner while women dance half way round the set clockwise to finish facing partner. Everyone is opposite original position at start of dance.
17 - 24       Men dance ‘hello and goodbye’ setting half way round the set, to finish back to back in the centre, 1st man facing 3rd woman, 2nd man facing 4th woman, 3rd man facing 1st woman, and 4th man facing 2nd woman.
25 - 32       All dance double reels of four giving left hands across in the centre, to finish in positions as on bar 25.
33 - 40       All set with Highland Schottische, and with both hands turn one and a half times to finish with all the women back to back in the centre of the set facing their opposite ‘partner’.
41 - 48       Women dance ‘hello and goodbye’ setting to finish back to back in centre of set facing partner who is in original place.
49 - 56       All set to partners with Highland Schottische and with both hands turn one and a quarter times to finish in original places.
57 - 64       1st couple with promenade hold, dance round 4th couple, beginning by passing 4th woman with right shoulder, and 3rd couple dance round 2nd couple, passing 2nd woman with right shoulder. 1st and 3rd couples dance round each other in the middle of the set, men passing each other by left shoulders and curving round to finish in original places.
65 -72       2nd couple with promenade hold, dance round 1st couple, beginning by passing 1st woman by right shoulder, and 4th couple dance round 3rd couple, beginning by passing 3rd woman by right shoulder. 2nd and 4th couples dance round each other in the middle of the set, men passing each other by left shoulders and curving round to finish in original places.
72 – 80       All dance eight hands round and back.

Compiled by Leeds Branch.    LEEDSCRIBS

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