RDCDS Leeds Branch
MARY STEWART ASHWORTH (R8x32) (4C set)       Joyce Cochrane
1 - 8           1c set and cross down to 2nd place facing out. 1L cast up round 2M and down the middle and pulls her R sh back to face up while 1M casts down round 3L and up the middle and pulls his R sh back to face down, back to back with partner.
9 - 16          1c dance out through the ends cast to their R and pull R sh back to finish in 2nd place back to back in the middle while 2c and 3c set and advance and retire. All take hands and set as in double triangles.
17 - 24            1c dance out through sides and cast to R., dance into middle pulling R sh back to finish back to back man facing up and lady down while 2c and 3c set and advance and retire up and down the sides. All take hands as in double triangles and set.
25 - 32             reels of 3 on the sides 1c passing R sh with 2nd corner to begin (6 bars). 1c cross RH.

Based on MINICRIB by Charles Upton. 

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